Ch. Ebonyshadow's Love Potion


Ch. Ebonyshadow's Love Potion ("Luvie") was born on April 15, 2009. She is the daughter of Am./Can. Ch. Alcinta's Winter Glitter and Can. Ch. Ebonyshadow's Crystal Fire. Luvie received her championship on March 11, 2011 winning Best of Breed three days in a row at the Calgary Kennel and Obedience show.

Luvie is true to her name...a very loving dog who adores anyone who crosses her path. Her piercing blue eyes dance at the sight of a new playmate or at the promise of a long hike in the forests and hills of Okotoks.

Luvie and Carson are inseparable - where one goes the other follows. They are true sweethearts!